To ensure that we were able to offer the very best absorbents, Cyberchem Environmentals PTY Ltd, recently acquired Absorbetech for Africa Pty Ltd. Absorbetech is an oleophilic absorbent and a bio-remediation product in the form of an easy to use solid, non-toxic, free flowing, non-abrasive granular material and its formulation is such that it demonstrates bio-remediation abilities across a broad range of hydrocarbon-based pollutants. We develop, manufacture and sell a comprehensive range of absorbents and spill control components like booms, socks and pillows.
Absorbetech Premium
Absorbetech Premium, pure blend with hydrophobic characteristics that allows the absorbent to float on water. It encapsulates the hydrocarbon and tends to gloat on the surface of the water, which can subsequently be recovered with large nets. Absorbetech Premium will surpass all other absorbents as it can float for weeks absorbing hydrocarbons and remaining hydrophobic. Premium absorbs up to 10 times its own weights
Absorbetech Standard
A mixed blend with natural enzymes to assist it in cleaning whatever it missed on the surface, the enzymes added to the mixed activate when getting into contact with hydrocarbons and stay behind after a cleanup braking down the residues of the cleanup. Standard absorbs 7 times its own weight.
Spill Kits & Refills
Wheelie Bin - 240L & 1100L
Assorted 10kg absorbent bags, shovel, broom, gloves, mask, goggles, booms, pillows, socks, cable ties & disposable bags
Vehicle Spill Kit - 5kg absorbent, gloves, goggles, mask, dust pan & brush